Gesamter Bestand

conversation about what to eat for lunch

some cook ing


what do you mean some cooking

like fruit and veg and chocolate and stuff

well you need to go and buy it

hm that 's what i mean yeah

yeah yeah yeah

so i mean i have s- do some thinking first what we 've got ta buy

yeah okay

what are your er ideas

my ideas

they inspired by the tv

why do n't we do the clam soup that they were doing the


no no no i do n't feel like

why not

well i do n't feel like opening clams like they would do

hh shall we do the


fish in red wi- no you do n't like red wine

no no the fish at all

what was the other sophisticated fish thing i did

oh it was something like crab with peas and erm

oh yeah that 's no not the peas i did n't like that but the other one had i think it was a fish and had like shrimps on top or something



why do n't we go to the fishmonger and see what they have

then we can surf the internet to see whether we find a recipe for that fish


but we ask for an english fish




okay so fi- fish monger

but get filets no so we do n't have to take them out in a funny way

hh no they cut it for you

they do that

yeah yeah yeah last time they did

oh that 's the same then

n-n and erm e r in front of the fishmonger you 've got the stall with the with the veggie

yeah veggies are all over the place huh

yeah so we buy the veggies hhh what do we need as well with a bit of frui t

hm ten kilos of banana

hh yeah then we could buy that er we s till have please remind me we still have loads of potatoes not to buy any

do you not shall we do the dessert with banana was like caramel and stuff


e r

o r what was that dulce leche and banana like you did in the last but xxx

i did it right

what dulce leche and banana

y- last do you remember once i cut the banana and put the dulce de leche on the top and put it warm in the erm yeah that 's a crap dessert it takes one second to do you cut it

no but it 's a

you put it warm into the erm the microwave you make it warm okay yeah let 's have bananas anyway well we we

then put dulce dulce de leche as well

if we find it

well is that is it spanishy or portuguesey whatever shop and they should have it well

and most of the stuff there is caribbean and arabic and well we see we ca n look

let 's go to xxx star

but that 's on the other end right

yeah so we have a bit of a walk on a nice saturday morning haeh

okay well first we go to the erm to east streets market and see if they 've got the dulce de leche hm okay then or i can make a cake with the nice x that you gave me

i somehow think of banana and dulce de leche for some reason

hh god well i make the cake for myself then

no no no i mean you can com bine it

okay all right and er er m

but then the cake would n't be for dessert all right

well i eat it for dessert you eat it whenever you want

no i mean it takes too long that 's well eating it

ah for de- dessert after lunch you mean


no it will be i make it in the afternoon or something hh okay and then er er need buy milk and eggs

and in terms of vegetables

oh we just buy what they have if they 've got fresh vegetables of the sea son they always have tomatoes so that those ones we can buy

though they are not re ally the seasonal are they

jo king they 've got leeks and er

no i mean tom a toes are not seasonal

ah no tomatoes no no no no th- i said they always have tomatoes

we still have leek no

the half of it and i 'v e

no one

i yeah but i wanted to make leek and t- er potato soup

leek potato yeah so that 's do a big


b- er a soup yeah

yeah it 's also good for your cold

so what does leek and potato soup have apart from leek and potato

well i had to look it up but you see i looked it up in those books

shall i surf the internet to check

hh o kay


hh unless you find the book upstairs the books the recipe books

it 's

it takes long er to find the book than to actually do the cooking

do you wan na surf the internet now before we go



hhh are you re cor ding this


o kay

so be have

no i should be na tural

it should n't be artificially app lied


otherwise it 's not proper research

o h yesterday i went to this cafe with er [firstname1] it 's in erm at near the barbican where are you sitting here

yes so i can go for that ca ble


it 's a cafe near the barbican xxxx

what did you have

well it 's called kipf erl and it 's an austrian cafe

sounds austrian hh


what does kipferl mean it 's one of the cakes or something

it 's somethin g like that yeah something

and erm and i bought this er pesto with pumpkin seeds do you know it


but i left it in the office

au strian pest o


sounds like an how do you say anachrom

anachronism an oxymoron

anachronism no

yeah maybe i do n't know may- i think er [firstname1] told me it 's a speciality so i bought it it 's a pumpkin seed pesto it does n't look i mean it looks like a sauce but it 's not pesto i mean they call it pe sto just to make it a bit more appealing or something i do n't know hh but erm a h i forgot it i left it on the desk of my o ffice

does n't go with leek and potato any of that

i do n't know but i have the re cipe for it or i have to ask [firstname1] for how to use it



it 's completely different


pota- leek and potatoes completely different direction to pesto

but it 's not a pesto pesto like in the typical sense it 's pumpkin seeds


made with some sort of sauce i think well i do n't know anyway i should ask how to use it because i have no idea i just bought it because she said it wer- and and the and the shop and the erm the cafe is a cafe delicatessen so it 's got all this er like austrian stuff and er [firstname1] bought le- she filled up bag full like that of erm erm a strange pumpkin seed oil i think it was something like that

so it 's all about pumpkins there


because of hallo wee n

o h maybe yeah but what 's got to do halloween with austria any way

tha t 's why

hall- halloween is all over the place no

yeah but that 's apparently an austria speci a lity it 's a speci a lity i mean unless it 's a speciality that was invented after halloween took over in austria but anyway and then there was er she bought this erm oddly stuff for [firstname2] er like erm that 's er two types of beer and e r there was erm like they had very nice jams a nd chocolate i put

why did n't you buy any beer for me

bu- i was out i was going out for dinner


i did n't wan na b- buy things that i had to carry


that 's why i left the pesto in the office in the end

i see [firstname1] buys beer for [firstname2]

and you never buy beer for me

what do you buy for me



all the ti me


no almost every day

well i cook for you xx but it was r e ally cute restaurant and we had this erm everything is in austrian so there was this

in au strian

yeah not even in german

do you mean in ger man

no no no no in erm

austrian does n't ex ist

well i 'm sorry but she said everything is in a dia lect

of something you know e rm the variety in wherever that erm shop is from i do n't know and erm m- because there was a list of things that they were erm selling like food recipes and she said er hh well if you look at those they are all in er er in dia lect hh then i did n't understand any any of those but you could see them in the counter some kind of salad potato salad with er sau sages and stuff like that and erm but i- it was afternoon so i got just a co ffee but i y- you look at the list of coffee and there was this coffee called me lange and i went what is melange to [firstname1] and erm and then she went oh it 's just you know it 's milk with coffee


and it 's cappuccino that 's what you mean is that what you mean and she went no it 's not cappuccino it 's different try it


mela nge this sounds it 's a typical austrian xx that sort of thing

i do n't know

actually my sis ter told me about this

it 's actually nice

yeah yeah yeah it 's typical

and it 's er

yeah yeah yeah it 's very nice they serve it er with a little piece of chocolate and er a glass of wa ter so it 's ver y nice but it 's si milar to cappuccino i mean i think the froth it 's less it 's a bit diff erent but i mean it 's more or less the same obviously but in the list there was melange and cappuccino separately so they make it diff erently it guess


there 's a caffè latte cafe au lait

yeah no no i know but

this is es- sort of xxx

but they had melange cappuccino caf fè la tte and all the typical ones


i understand

that you find everywhere so the the person who doe - who makes the cappuccino and the me lange they must make it in a different way or maybe the it 's just the name it 's different

the e- is for exa- cappuccino is that with the italian th- thingy like the big

yeah but the melange was done

chrome on all this and and the cafe au lait for example is the one that you press down like that

the melange was done with the same

ah really is that the diff erence

well everybody understands it slightly differently whatever exactly the different is and some people think it 's the same even


but french have the pressing down machine


whereas the italian it 's the one either that one or the big one the chrome

yeah no but yesterday in the cafe they were doing this melange with the big machine and they were preparing it as


in the same way they were preparing cappucci no


anyway it was nice whatever it was and then i had this cake

by the way that bill was this bill that was n't my mobile phone the o two bill was for the inter- was for the internet

a h okay

and we had we did n't use very much at all

no okay that 's good well do you wan na find the erm the recipe

we only used a frac tion

leek and potato shall i do it please i 'm surfing



no no no no


no you talk and i surf

no i like doing that ple ase


i like too hhh


but then what i what do i do then

hh you write it down

i do n't like writing down


oh with illustrated in struct ions

i need another coffee and chocolate

yeah i know but we do n't have milk

shall i just buy a milk quickly

no let 's go out and buy everything right look at these so funny leek and potato soup recipe hh then you ha ve a jamie oliver home cooking five tips you loose belly fat your belly is fat because stop making this one major mistake and you finally loose your belly fat

this does n't look nice as well by the way

i do n't like that web page

all right it says ten min utes how diff icult very easy cooking time twenty-five minutes serving two portions let me see

and here you see what they have

but yeah it 's nice cos er they make yeah they 've got a pic ture of it


so it is butter garlic leek potato es four cups of chicken broth while we can have we have the erm vegetable one hh salt

pepper milk or cream

the milk or cream is important to get the creaming sort of thing

yeah oh look they do there 's erm erm how you do it as well

okay that 's actually not too bad

no it 's very e asy

it just does n't look very ap pea ling how the pictures it 's not very nice

well i think the pictures are not very good but erm

i mean they 're prac tical but they do n't make you want to eat it


at all

all right we g- yeah have we got enough bu tter


yeah i think so

we do n't need a lot do we

so we need gar lic erm potatoes we have


we have leeks four leeks we have to that hh mhm a nd salt we have butter we have milk we have well we have to buy hh okay

okay now i look for the de ssert recipe

er which one the one with

dulce de leche

but it 's

but i do n't know

you do n't need a re cipe for that

ye s


should i book mark this

now can you no can you just tell me quick ly so you e r chop the cut the leeks no first you put the garlic xxx

first clean and chop the leeks the easiest way to chop the leeks is to slice

oh no just the main points it 's too long

erm i 'll just copy and paste this okay

okay good copy it on the er word file hh o kay well i think we can go no hh i think i need a coffee as well

just get some milk quickly before we because i was n't not enjoying it

hh we can get one on the way

a coffee in a coffee place yeah

wo w what a nice idea

wo w

but where is there 's no starbucks anything on the way

well i do n't want a star bucks does that erm

but in the non-gentrified place is it 's difficult to sit down

there is er that one where we bought the pastries last time remember

can you sit down

well they have er chairs on the side

oh then we can have one of those nice pa stries but they do n't do co ffees do they


that 's what i 'm tell ing you

they do coffees


yes it 's not a fantastic pla ce because they there it 's mainly like to sell fresh pastries and bread but they 've got a few chairs on the side other wise there is a portuguese ca fe further down but

oh yeah portuguese

we ll but the point with that cafe is that they 've got internet erm stations hh so it 's a bit ooph do n't like because it has got the internet

hh why do n't we go to the portuguese place on the other side and then we look for dulce de leche


er and i get all sorts of span ish

hh well maybe because it 's an argentinian product

banana layer cake with white chocolate cream cheese frosty walnuts

xx walnuts because piccolino you spell leche like the town in italy

o h

leche ah xx

actually i get all confused with italian and spanish

hm yeah

but this one was n't too bad

well that 's what it is dulce de leche banana toffee that 's what it is

oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

ah but this is to buy this is not erm

let 's see here recipe lat est recipe

where banoffi pie er i think it 's the banoffi pie in the end but you know it 's m- si milar to the one that erm erm your cousin made remember hm


what 's his name





yeah it does n't involve any

does n't rea- in volve cooking

butter melting biscuits smash ing

ah yeah no i do n't like it it 's the heavy one that [firstname3] made erm he had like all that biscui- well i d- i did like it but it 's a bit too heavy xx he had the erm the what 's it called those biscuits british biscuits wholemeal di gest ives you know


you have the digestives on top


choc banana fudge pie

spread the dulce de leche over the biscuit base er biscuit base again cover with sliced ba na na and then the cooled cust ard it 's a bit full oh no

no just be gorgeous let 's just go we do the one we did last time we just

how did you do it

i jus- you just chop a banana and put the dulce de leche on top and put it in the micro wave come on let 's go

they always add the bis cuits every single recipe it 's the biscuits

but of course you 're looking at banoffi pie


no i put dulce de leche banana recipe i put in google

hh yeah but the one with the b- biscuits is like too much

here is one banana toffee and pear crumble

no hh

well if you 're thinking of how to do it banana and passion fruit ginger banana with rum

well it was n't my idea

okay that 's enough

shall we go to the portuguese first to have a coffee haeh


yeah hh

no switch it off for now

ah there 's one i 'm just checking this original recipe

come on oh you know what happened yesterday


a h these are the dulce de leche santa ignacio the worl- the the one that i was buy ing

shall we you can buy those internet here shall we do it

no it 's the one we can find at the argentinian restaurant it 's app ar ently the best one well that 's what [firstname4] was saying

well that

okay then let 's okay you know the recipe let 's go to try to find it at the portuguese place that 's like the xxx like

yeah did you save the recipe where is it

erm i saved it as

this one maybe

or i need to reopen word hm

no just click on it that 's it this is it right close it

you see it saved even the pictures

yeah that 's fine good close it and let 's go



well you know what happ ened when i left i went to put the pest o to leave the pesto and i to go to the e rm to the restaurant and there is a mouse that came out


in my office

in in your office


eating with the pestos

well i do n't know hh just i remembered right no w when i put i left the pest o there i hope

but you know but a mouse ca n't open a pesto can

no i hope so


well apparently they eat the wir es they eat they chew the wires


yeah but wires it 's it 's like pla stic this is gla ss and met al

yeah but anyway apart from the fact e r the pesto is another thing but i do n't want a mouse in my office

they are cute

thank you very much i do n't want them

buy a couple of trap out

yeah but i do n't want to to have to pick up a dead mouse from the trap

y- yeah you call a state

well what they do is they probably put like erm poi son all around

you have a dead then you have a dead mouse er behind the furniture somewhere

ex actly

rotting away

and then it exactly and then it starts smelling so that 's the problem anyway i i was so scared and started because i i was n't pre pared i was just like putted things in all the photocopies and stuff and we order in a few things before lea ving hh and then i was like in complete si lence i was about ten minutes to go put the last books back to the shelf and stuff and then you know ɪk kwɪ and i go a h

and i start scream ing and the mouse i think was erm was scared as well because he just ra n back from where he came from and i could n't find it any more

of course the mouse was scared

yeah s o er

oh the poor thing

poor thing poor me

poor you as well

well the point is now i do n't wan na stay there with a mouse so i went away straight away and i left from there everything as it is and i put er a notice outside the door saying there is a mouse in the office so that if my co llea gues

the nerdy guy

yeah maybe the nerdy guy comes in on a mon day before me he can deal with it

but you do n't know maybe he does n't care or maybe he 's paranoid

maybe he does n't get in terviewed

i do n't know what ner- nerdy people act too nice generally speaking


that 's probably no xxx

no of course does n't need xxx right we take coffee

or carry shall i carry you know what i 'll take my ba g

yeah good and take some er plastic bags as well cos i do n't want them to leave us with hundreds of plastic bags

i 'll just take my xx gear upstairs

shall we go xx


well you know they also have this like erm e r they hh traps that apparently do n't kill the mouse they just trap the mouse alive

yeah though

but then the problem is i i have to take the mouse and take it out

to the forest yeah

hh exactly to a place where it does n't c-

hm or we could do a weekend trip to the er to po- to potswoods huh

to take the mouse

or birches park hm

mhm yeah so i 'm not taking my bag are you taking your bag


okay shall we just my mobile do we have the keys

i have everything

can you check you have the keys

hh yah

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